Minecraft Data & Resource Packs
Collection of Data & Resource Packs made as either experiments, things I'd like to be in vanilla or QoL stuff for servers I play on.
Zero command blocks required. Just drop them in and play.
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Data Packs

Bed Sleep Menu System (One Player Triggered)
Rewrite of TOLoneWolf's Sleep Menu System for Hypermine SMP, updated for 1.13 syntax changes and rolled into a data pack.
The original reddit post contains instructions for MC 1.9 - 1.12.2

Mob Muffler
Placing a noteblock with wool (any colour) above it will silence any non-player mob above it, with space for a floor or collection system. No more noisy animals or mob farms. As soon as they walk away or the wool/noteblock is broken they can make noise again.

If an endermite is sitting on a purpur block, rather than despawn (after two minutes) they will "burrow in" and become a shulker.

Anti Ender-Grief
Prevents Endermen from picking up blocks and making the place look untidy.

When you die, a grave is created that collects your items and prevents them from despawning.
Graves have a slightly different appearance depending on what dimension you're in. To collect your items simply crouch over your grave and receive a single-use Grave Bundle containing your inventory.
This pack uses the "keepInventory" gamerule to function. The pack will automatically enable it, but if it is disabled either manually or by another data pack, all inventory items will be permanently lost on death.

Item Magnet
Hold in your off-hand and items within 6 blocks will be drawn to you.
New in v3.0!
Magnets are now CRAFTABLE!Find out more in the Wiki (the book icon next to the download link).

Server Friendly Wither
The Wither boss is prevented from making ominous, server-wide sounds when spawned.

Tridents O' Plenty
Changes the chance of a Drowned dropping their trident on death. Default is 30%.
You can change the drop chance with an in-game chat menu. Use the command /function vb:tridentsoplenty/setchance
to swap between 6 different percentages.
Written for Epic Swampert for use on Suburbia SMP.

Possessive Pigmen
Zombie Pigmen/Piglins are very protective of their Nether Quartz Ore, they get a bit "upset" if you break it.
Mining it with Silk Touch doesn't seem to bother them though, so that's nice.

Wither Bats
Bats will "bite" you for one heart of damage. Once a bat has bitten someone, they won't bite again.
Originally a feature of my 1.12 UHC box

Nether Creepers
'Cause the Nether is too easy... Right?
Charged Creepers have a rare chance of spawning in Nether Wastes.

AFK Detection
"Hey Steve, can I borrow some cobble?" ... "Steve?" ... Oh, he's AFK.
Tracks 14 different stats to determine your AFK-ness. If you're inactive for 5 minutes you are placed on an AFK team and a message is posted in chat.
If players aren't getting picked up properly run /tag @a remove AFKready
and the system should correct itself.

Chicken Shedding
Want feathers without all the animal murders?
Chickens have a 10% chance of shedding a feather rather than laying an egg.

End Ship Beacons
Back in my day, or 15w31a at least, beacons could be found in End Ships.
Relive those crazy days once more!

Crop Harvesting
Holding a Diamond or Netherite Hoe will auto-magically harvest and replant any fully grown crops you walk over.
Harvests: Wheat, Potatoes, Carrots, Beetroot and Nether Wart.

Spawner Scanning
The "Scanning Module" can be found in dungeon loot chests. Use the Scanner on a spawner to import the mob data, this destroys the spawner in the process. You can then export the data onto an "Imprint Matrix" to create a new spawner.
Player activation radius of the new spawner depends on the "Imprint Matrix" used:
- Iron Block: 16 blocks (default)
- Gold Block: 32 blocks
- Diamond Block: 48 blocks
- Emerald Block: 64 blocks
Use the command /function vb:spawnerscanning/set_uses
to set the "Scanning Module" to single or multi use.
For the "Scanning Module" to show the correct textures you will need to download and install both the data pack and the resource pack from the links below.
Version 1.2+ adds compatibility with the "Creeper Dungeon" data pack.

Death Book
Respawn after death with a "Death Book". Open it to get the coords of your last death. New death, new book.
New in v2.0!
Death Book now renders correctly, regardless of server OP or singleplayer cheats!

Ender Beacons
A beacon squared, powered by the Void!
Complete the ritual to create a new type of beacon. Place it in your Ender Chest to gain it's effects.
As this is a bit more complex a system I decided to make a very short video showcase/tutorial rather than writing an essay. Link below.

Paper from reeds? Where are we, ancient Egypt?
When stripping the bark from a log, there's a 20% chance of it dropping paper.

Creeper Dungeon
We tunneled through the wall of the mine into a rough, broken chamber... full of creepers.
Adds a new dungeon to world generation. Found in deserts and swamps with a 0.2% chance of spawning per chunk.
The creeper spawner added by this pack is compatible with "Spawner Scanner" v1.2 and above.

Mending-Infinity bows for EVERYONE!
Throw the required ingredients on top of an anvil and hey-presto, Mendfinity.
You can then add more enchantments with enchanted books in an anvil.
One of each item required:
- Bow (unenchanted)
- Eye of Ender
- Diamond
- Bottle o' Enchanting
- Enchanted Book, containing the Mending enchantment
- Enchanted Book, containing the Infinity enchantment

Auto-Plant Saplings
Chop the tree and walk away. The saplings know what they're doing.
Saplings, including Azalea and Flowering Azalea, will auto-plant themselves if lying on Grass, Dirt, Coarse Dirt, Podzol, or Mud after 30 seconds.

Plated Elytra
Put some plates on those wings!
Craft together an Elytra, Chestplate, and a lil' Phantom Membrane in a Smithing Table to giving the elytra an armour rating equal to the chestplate used.
Works with all armour types, enchantments from the Chestplate will be transfered to the Elytra.
Compatable with Effective Netherite Armour!
New for v4.0!
Plating an Elytra is now a Smithing Table Recipe!Find out more about the changes in the Wiki (the book icon next to the download link).

Weakened Bedrock
Throwing a Lingering Potion of Weakness onto bedrock will randomly "weaken" the surrounding bedrock inside the effect cloud into cobblestone.
Works in all dimensions but the blocks, other than the initial bedrock block, must have direct line-of-sight to the sky to be converted.

Under Major Rewrite
Mob Statues
What!? There's five creepers in my house! Wait... dang it Steve, you got me.
Placing a vanilla mob Head or Skull on an Armour Stand will convert it into a "Mob Statue".
Throwing armour, weapons or tools near the statue will add them as decorations. The items can then be picked up and reused.
Hitting the statue will remove it and drop the Armour Stand and Mob Head/Skull.

Tree Pots
"Dear Diary, It's day 4,036 and I cut down another 17 trees."
Auto-magically generate tree-related drops without the hassle of chopping down trees, drops are dependent on the sapling in the pot.
Possible drops are; Logs, leaves, saplings, sticks, apples, cocoa beans, vines, stems, wart blocks, shroomlights, roots, azalea and flowering azalea bushes & azalea and flowering azalea leaves, with logs or stems the most likely to be generated.

PvP Player Heads
"Another trophy for my wall!"
Players killed by other players will drop their head on death. Simples.

Under Major Rewrite
Dimensional Quarry
Blocks mined from another dimension, powered by Dragon Energy™
The Dimensional Quarry will generate a mined block every 20 seconds. Enchanting the pick with Silk Touch will give you blocks/ores rather than item drops.
The glass block is the Quarry Focus and will increase the chance of certain drops by x10.
- Clear = Default
- Light Grey = Clay
- Black = Coal
- Light Blue = Diamonds
- Lime = Emeralds
- Yellow = Gold
- Orange = Iron
- Blue = Lapis Lazuli
- White = Quartz
- Red = Redstone
I have made a short video showcase/tutorial that shows how to build the Dimensional Quarry and what it will generate. Link below.
I am working on a full rewrite of this data pack; Adding new blocks/ores, extra mechanics and more enchantments.I'm ALMOST done, I swear!

No More Zoombies
"Hey! Slow down you young whippersnappers!"
Reduces the movement speed of Baby Zombies to that of regular Zombies.

Throw any enchanted item onto an anvil along with a Book and Quill to transfer all enchantments onto the book.
The item that is disenchanted will keep all custom names, lore, tags and damage.

Deep Mobs
"I was born in the caves, you merely adopted them. I didn't see a torch until I was already a man."
Deep Mobs increases the difficulty of overworld Creepers, Skeletons, Spiders and Zombies below Y level 0. It also adds rare natural spawns for Cave Spiders and Wither Skeletons.
Deep Mobs are naturally more durable to damage, have more health, hit harder and can track you from further away.
There are also mob specific changes such as Spider movement speed increases and reduced Creeper fuse time.

Extra Dragon Eggs
Killing the Ender Dragon will always generate an egg over the exit portal.

That unguarded, spinning blade looks dangerous... what do you mean it's not!?
The Stonecutter is an awesome block, but that blade really should do something. Now it does 3 hearts of damage every second!
Exempt from damage are: Players, Cats & Villagers. With the exception of NitWits, because they don't know how to be safe around tools.

Trader Notify
How are you supposed to spend emeralds on Coral and Blue Ice if that sneaky trader is always hiding!?
When a Wandering Trader spawns, a chat message will say which player they are closest too. No more hiding, Mr Trader!

Killer Bunny
Hopping out from the caves of Caerbannog, a terrible beast stalks the overworld...
The Killer Rabbit, a hostile rabbit variant, has a rare chance of naturally spawning in the overworld.
Upon death, the Killer Rabbit will drop a "Lucky Rabbit's Foot" that grants the player a random bonus to their luck.
Increased chance of spawning in 1.17+!

Sideways and Slant ways? No? Oh, just up and down.
Place a Carpet, of any colour, on a Note Block to create an Elevator.
Jump or crouch to travel vertically to another Elevator within 16 blocks.
Powering an elevator with redstone will deactivate it.
This pack has been getting more unreliable in recent versions, especially on servers. I hope to release a rewrite at some point to fix these issues if I can.

Assembled Slabs
Breaking a double slab while crouching drops a full block rather than 2 slabs.

Apiarist Suit
Accidentally tapping a bee gets you a whole mess of angry bees, and angry bees turn into dead bees pretty quickly.
Wearing full chain armour protects you from their vicious stings and calms them down.

Movable Cakes
Seriously though, who eats a whole cake in one sitting!?
Pick up cakes with silk touch and place them back down to continue eating where you left off.

Withering Darkness
Beware the dark!
Light levels of 5 or lower are mean. Anyone venturing into the darkness takes 1/2 heart of damage per second.

Bat Membranes
Playing without phantoms means no membranes.
No membranes means no Slow Falling potions and no Elytra repair.
Luckily, bats have membranes too.

Starting Inventory
"It's dangerous to go alone, take this."
Give players a bundle of items when they join the world for the first time in Survival or Adventure mode.
Put items in your inventory and run the command /function vb:startinginventory/set
to set the Starting Inventory items or /function vb:startinginventory/clear
to remove them.

Effective Netherite Armour
"You think Nether is your ally? You merely adopted the lava, I was born in it."
Wearing a full set of Netherite armour grants the player Fire Resistance while equipped.
Compatable with Plated Elytra!

Invisible Item Frames
All the fun of Item Frames with none of the brown background!
Item Frames will "drink" Invisibility Potions placed in them, leaving an empty bottle and a permanently invisible item frame.
Invisibility Potions will only be consumed and only if the Item Frame isn't already invisible.

Beehive Lore
"Wait, is this my chest of full hives or empty hives... aww beans."
Keeping Beehives and Bee Nests organised is almost impossible!
When a hive or nest is broken, bee and honey icons are written to the item lore.

Shulker Respawning
"What!? Another empty End City? Oh man..."
Shulkerboxes are awesome, travelling 10,000 blocks to find an un-raided End City isn't.
Shulkers will respawn in End Cities, even ones previously generated.

Climbable Chains
Ladders are cool and all, but how about those sweet chains?
Gives chains the same climbable functionality as ladders, vines and scaffolding.

Silk Touch Amethyst
"Move those crystal buds!"
Budding Amethyst can be mined with a Silk Touch.
Tool must be Diamond tier or above.

Copper Beacons
"Pfft, Iron Beacon bases are soooo 1.4.2"
All oxidisation levels of Copper Block (including Cut and Waxed) are valid Beacon base blocks, along with Copper Ingots as a Beacon payment item.

Conductive Elytra
"Flying around in that storm doesn't seem smart..."
Flying in a thunderstorm doesn't seem like a good idea, this data pack adds the chance of getting struck by lightning if you fly with an Elytra during a storm.

World Pregen
"New world hype without the new world lag!"
Pregenerate a player defined area of new chunks around spawn to reduce chunk lag while exploring.
Set an area using the /worldborder set
command then use /function vb:worldpregen/pregen
to start.

Trim Trader
"Top quality templates, hand delivered right to your door!"
Wandering Traders always sell a randomised Smithing Template, either one of the 18 trims or the Netherite Upgrade.
Each trade costs 8 diamonds and the template material that would be used in the duplication recipe.

Netherite Shulker Boxes
Shulker Boxes are great, dropping them in lava is not. Time for an upgrade!
Craft fire resistant Shulker Boxes using the Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template.

Netherite Mace
Time for an upgrade!
Craft a better Mace using the Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template.
The upgraded Mace is fire resistant and has double the durability!
Recipe Additions

Mixed Stone Tools
Stone tools can be crafted using any combination of Stone, Andesite, Diorite & Granite.

Botanical Replication
Duplicate plants with Bonemeal and Rotten Flesh. Includes recipes for Lily Pads & all one-high flowers.

Equestrian Craftables
For all your Horse-owning related needs.
Adds crafting recipes for Saddles, Name Tags and all Horse Armour types.

Progressive Armour Crafting
Crafting armour pieces requires the previous tier.
The armour progression is:
- Leather
- Golden
- Chainmail
- Iron
- Diamond
Includes crafting recipes for Chainmail armour using Iron Bars.

Blasted Redstone Blocks
Smelting Redstone Ore in a Blast Furnace gives a Redstone Block rather than dust.

Bone Black
Black Dye the old fashioned way, with bones!
Cooking bones in a Furnace gives Black Dye.
For reals though... Look it up.

Sticky Honey Pistons
Sometimes hunting for slimes can be annoying, especially in peaceful. Luckily, honey is sticky too.
Sticky Pistons can be crafted using Honeycomb as well as Slime Balls.

Further Fermentation
Mushrooms and fungi can be used pretty interchangeably in recipes... except in Fermented Spider Eyes, for some reason.
This data pack modifies the recipe to accept any type.

Blasted Ore Blocks
Smelt blocks into blocks in this block game.
Raw Ore blocks can be smelted directly into ingot blocks in a Blast Furnace.

Crafty Oxidisation
Oxidised Copper is awesome, waiting hours for it to change isn't.
This data pack adds a recipe for Oxidised Copper Blocks.

Turtle Boxes
Turtles have shells to, so...
Craft a cool, green Shulker Turtle Box using Turtle Shells instead of Shulker Shells.

Cobbled Cutting
"All my Stone is Stone!"
Having Silk Touch is great, never having Cobblestone isn't.
This pack adds recipes for Cobblestone and Cobbled Deepslate from Stone and Deepslate to the Stonecutter.
Resource Packs

Transparent Item Frames
Removes the texture of the Item Frame model leaving you a clean, stylish item stuck to your wall. Nice!

Legacy Downloads
Zip files containing every pack for a particular Minecraft version. Unzip folders to access packs for install.
1.20 Downloads 1.20.2 Downloads 1.20.4-5 Downloads